Every human being – woman, man, child – has inalienable, individual rights as basis for individual freedom, justice and development. Disregard or violation of these rights can be considered as inhuman, as a crime against humanity. The individual human rights apply to all individual human beings of all nationalities, all religions and ideologies and all races.


  1. Every individual human being has the right to move freely over the whole earth and to settle where he or she wants to, unhindered by boundaries. He/she always has the right to return to his/her native region.
  2. Every individual human being has the right to be protected from persecution on account of his/her convictions, religion or adherence to fundamental viewpoints such as freedom, equality and fraternity.
  3. Every individual human being has the right to be granted asylum when his or her individual freedom is being restricted elsewhere.
  4. Every individual human being has the right to apply for, and to obtain, a nationality of his or her choice, unhindered by commands or interdictions.
  5. An individual human being has the right and the freedom to change his/her nationality.
  6. An individual human being cannot be deprived of his/her nationality without his/her agreement.
  7. Every individual human being has the right to freely start a relationship with another individual adult human being on a basis of freedom and mutual consent.
  8. Every individual human being in a relationship with the Other is free, together and without interference from the authorities or others, to determine the conditions under which the relationship starts and/or finishes.
  9. Every individual human being is free to start a family, unhindered by any form of discrimination and protected from interference by the authorities or by others, and to organize family life according to his/her own convictions, on a basis of freedom and mutual consent.
  10. The individual adult members in a relationship or a family have equal rights; they are free to take duties upon themselves and they can require that freely made commitments be met.
  11. Every individual human being has the right to be protected by society and the authorities, and also from society and the authorities when they exercise undue power with respect to the individual human being or beings.
  12. Every individual human being has the legitimate freedom and right to own property, alone or together with others. He/she has the right to administer and to dispose of this property according to his/her own insights, as long as this does not interfere with the freedom and right of others to own property.

[to be continued]

Jan Pieter de Kok, September 29, 2011

The winds are invisible, but what they cause is clear to us
and we can feel their approach. - Xenophon, Heidegger, Arendt

Jan Pieter de Kok
aquarel, 2011