Every human being – woman, man, child – has inalienable, individual rights as basis for individual freedom, justice and development. Disregard or violation of these rights can be considered as inhuman, as a crime against humanity. The individual human rights apply to all individual human beings of all nationalities, all religions and ideologies and all races.


  1. By virtue of his right to freely develop initiatives on a spiritual-cultural, socio-juridical and economic-artistical level , every individual human being has the right to meet with others in order to call these initiatives into being.
  2. Every individual human being has the right to implement in a freely chosen way, together with others, initiatives on a spiritual-cultural, socio-juridical and economic-artistical level, for the fulfilment of his or her freedom.
  3. Every individual human being has the right to refuse to belong to any organization, institution or association, irrespective of whether this organization, institution or association was created by the state, an (institutional) religion, the economy or otherwise, and he/she has the right to peacefully protest against any form of compulsion in the matter.
  4. Every individual human being has the right to peacefully resist, together with others, compulsory participation in organizations, institutions and initiatives on a spiritual-cultural, socio-juridical and economic-artistical level.
  5. Every individual human being has the right to peacefully resist, together with others, compulsory participation in organizations, institutions, associations and/or initiatives.
  6. Every individual human being has the right to contribute in his or her own way to the organization of society in the country or community where he/she lives or which he/she is part of, or to abstain from doing so.
  7. Every individual human being has the right to make himself available for carrying out mandates for the society and/or the community which he/she is part of and for which he/she can and will bear the responsibility.
  8. Every individual human being has the right to participate in decisions on all matters concerning the evolution of the society and/or the community in which he/she lives, provided he/she can and will bear the responsibility for these decisions.
  9. Every individual human being has the right to make known publicly in what manner he/she wants to contribute to the evolution of the society and/or the community which he/she is part of.
  10. Every individual human being has the right to cooperate with others, on a basis of equality, in the development of the society and/or community which he/she is part of.
  11. Every idividual human being has the right to participate in decisions on every aspect of the society which he/she lives in or the community which he/she is part of, and which is important for his or her development.
  12. Every individual human being has the right to resist peacefully any limitation of his or her freedom to participate in decisions on all matters concerning his or her individual interests.

[to be continued]

Jan Pieter de Kok, September 29, 2013

They know what they do – and yet they do it ... (Peter Sloterdijk – Critique of Cynical Reason)

Together we stand ...
Jan Pieter de Kok
aquarel, 2013